Coexistence without violence at “10 de Noviembre” High School


  • Anita Albán Barrionuevo 0985809256


violence, school conflict, coexistence, educational strategy, students


The present work was carried out at "10 de Noviembre" High School, in Guaranda city, province of Bolívar in Ecuador, during the 2022-2023 school year. The aforementioned institution, works at night, giving the possibility for students who work during the day to study at night. As an educator, I consider that my function is not limited to imparting knowledge, it really goes much further, hence it is important to carry out research on these issues related to violence in the educational context, which, if presented, affects the educational community in every way, especially students. The main objective of my research was: Analyze relevant aspects of conflict and school coexistence so that students live in an educational environment of peace, harmony and commitment to conflict resolution, promoting their comprehensive education. I carried out a mixed investigation: documentary and field. The documentary research allowed to consult documents such as: books, websites, etc. The field survey allows direct research to be carried out in the place and time where the phenomenon to be investigated occurs. Also, a descriptive investigation was developed because it sought a characterization of the studied phenomenon. The results determined positive aspects that help a school coexistence free of violence, but also negative aspects that hinder school coexistence in peace and harmony, so it is necessary to develop a plan of sensitization activities to combat the negative and achieve an educational context free of violence.



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How to Cite

Albán Barrionuevo, A. . (2023). Coexistence without violence at “10 de Noviembre” High School. Saberes Andantes, 4(10), 116–139. Retrieved from