Symbolic violence: theoretical reflections and pedagogical practices for social transformation


  • Felipe Quishpe Instituno Nacional de Evalaución (Ineval)


Symbolic violence, social reproduction, domination, power, pedagogical violence, liberation pedagogy


The objective of this article is to analyze the different dimensions of symbolic violence present in educational contexts, as well as the educational practices that reproduce the conditions of domination. Firstly, I will review the phenomenon of symbolic violence as proposed by Bourdieu and its manifestations in educational contexts. Subsequently, I will analyze how the educational system has been configured to become a space for social reproduction and domination through the exercise of symbolic violence. Some characteristics of the pedagogical practices that encourage symbolic violence will be presented. Finally, I will explore how Freire's perspective regarding the interference that teachers have in every educational act offers an educational alternative to mitigate the reproduction of symbolic violence in educational contexts.


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How to Cite

Quishpe, F. (2023). Symbolic violence: theoretical reflections and pedagogical practices for social transformation. Saberes Andantes, 4(10), 32–48. Retrieved from