Educación Transformadora en Confinamiento: Un Proyecto de Aprendizaje-Servicio


  • Anilec Anaj Amaya Fe y Alegría



The importance of reflecting on the educational experiences of students, who, articulated with teachers, families, and public and private institutions in the city of Manta, Manabí, lived during the confinement caused by the Covid 19 pandemic, made it possible to demonstrate, from the popular education, that all experience is formative and transforming. The qualitative, experientail, and participatory methodology starts from a need of the context, adolescents from the upper basic level show weakening in social skills due to the lack of social interrelatio n. Situation that places the management team before the dialogue of knowledge where critical reflection, the creative and consensual link between teachers, representatives and students generates the decision to imple ment the experience of a Service-Learning project as an instrument to reverse the need and provoke new ways of learning and managing life. Opportunity that allows us to embrace this innovat ive methodology to develop skills for life and learning. Experience that makes the educational process not a simple transmission of knowledge but learning by doing in practical experience. The contact with reality mediated by the Service-Learning project strengthens cooperative work, discernme nt, decision-making, planning, preparation, and organization of materials, to order to carry out service to others as a team and with common objectives and the practice of Christian values and the recovery of weakened social skills because of the isolation caused by the pandemic. In addition, what the experience of this learning leaves behind are students who build you know autonomous ly, in dialogue with each other and with the community. Education lived in this way generates long - term learning, places the person at the center of the process and integrates all human dimens ions, without neglecting the different ways of learning from the diversity of multiple intelligences.

Keywords: Service-Learning, skills, development, transformation, values.


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How to Cite

Amaya, A. A. (2024). Educación Transformadora en Confinamiento: Un Proyecto de Aprendizaje-Servicio. Saberes Andantes, 4(11), 152–178. Retrieved from



Systematizations and Presentations