Anotaciones sobre la educación para la paz: ciudadanía, resistencia y crítica


  • Luis Rodolfo López Morocho Université catholique de Louvain
  • Miguel Ángel Herrera-Pavo Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador


education for peace, social justice, critical pedagogy, liberation, emancipation, Latin America.


This essay analyzes the meaning, purpose, and importance of peace education (EpP) through a genealogical approach to establish potential classroom actions within the Latin American context. The historical progress and setbacks of EpP are examined, from its origins as opposition to war to its current complexity. The relationship between the ideas of Immanuel Kant and John Rawls and their contemporary understanding is explored, proposing an EpP approach inspired by critical pedagogy, resistance, and interculturality. It highlights the importance of understanding peace as the absence of violence (negative peace) and as a state of social justice and cooperation (positive peace). In this sense, the need for an imperfect peace—understood as a continuous and participatory process—is emphasized. In the Latin American context, EpP must be linked to liberation and emancipation, addressing issues such as inequality, structural violence, and cultural exclusion. For classroom development, interdisciplinary and cross-cutting strategies are proposed, promoting critical thinking, creativity, and intercultural dialogue involving the entire educational community. This comprehensive approach should extend beyond the classroom, engaging families and the media to promote a culture of peace and respect for diversity in all daily life. EpP must adapt to changing contexts while always maintaining its goal of building more just, peaceful, and inclusive societies.


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Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Herrera-Pavo , Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador





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How to Cite

López Morocho, L. R., & Herrera-Pavo , M. Ángel. (2024). Anotaciones sobre la educación para la paz: ciudadanía, resistencia y crítica . Saberes Andantes, 4(11), 52–74. Retrieved from