Dialogue of Knowledge
A proposal of Parents of children with disabilities to reflect and strengthen the model of educational inclusion in Fe y Alegría
family, disability, dialogue, community, caring for the caregiver, educationAbstract
This brief is concerned with the key role of the family as the fundamental group in society and in education, highlighting creative, innovative and transformative dialogue as an essential element to strengthen their capacity to be Subjects of Rights in a society of exclusion. To that effect, this document begins with the review of a few studies on family, Families raising children with disabilities, the relationship: family-school and school-family and the perspective of Fe y Alegría concerning the family.
In the second part of the document, the Dialogue of Knowledge process is made known, which becomes a meeting point for families, which as the name suggests, it stems from the different knowledges to build knowledge. Such knowledge is built with the families that are part of the proposed educational inclusion of Fe y Alegría, with whom spaces such as these are created to conduct reflection u pon the social problems and exclusion they live. The situation of their son or daughter who has disability, are dealt with the lack of spaces to expand their relationships, to generate networks of support, among other conditions of exclusion. Finally, it examines certain impacts of the process and comes to conclusions about how to hold it.
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