Limitations in addressing violence between students

An approach from the educators


  • Carlos Segifredo Paillacho-Montenegro Fe y Alegría, Ecuador



violence, teacher, youth, childhood, school context, peace


Peace has become an instrument to evaluate and promote the wellbeing, balance and harmony of societies. (Muñoz, F.; Molina, B., 1997). Such peace has been affected by expressions of violence at various levels and fields. The school is within one of these fields. Before the violence in its various manifestations present in the school, teachers have been confronted with the problem of how to address it in practice. At this point, it is essential to reflect on the curriculum and the importance of its contextualization in order to problematize the violence experienced in schools, Simultaneously, the reflection on the curriculum should lead to an active commitment of the subjects to direct the educational centers towards a culture of peace. Under the complexity that the treatment of violence involves, there is a need to work together with families and local actors in the implementation of effective measures to counter the violence, in this way, it should be emphasised that it is important to join
teachers, families and society efforts to minimize the manifestations of violence that affect children and youth.


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Author Biography

Carlos Segifredo Paillacho-Montenegro, Fe y Alegría, Ecuador

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación, especialización en Educación Básica, especialista en Infancias y Juventudes, tutor virtual de cursos sobre pedagogía, formación en: Liderazgo en Gestión Educativa, Gestión Educación Popular, Educación Popular, Inteligencias Múltiples y Metodologías Interactivas en el Aula, Evaluación y Seguimiento Académico de Cursos Virtuales, entre otros cursos vinculados a la educación y pedagogía. Ponente en la Universidad Católica con el tema: “La violencia escolar en contextos de frontera” y “Tejiendo Sueños desde el Acompañamiento”. Actualmente se desempeña como Acompañante Pedagógico de la Zona Norte en Fe y Alegría.


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How to Cite

Paillacho, C. (2019). Limitations in addressing violence between students: An approach from the educators. Saberes Andantes, 2(6), 41–54.



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