Mathematized reality, inexhaustible source of mathematical doing


  • Alba María Vera-Vélez
  • Máximo Willington Baque-Parrales Fe y Alegría, Ecuador



realistic mathemathics, teaching / learning, mixed learning community, logical-critical mathematical thinking


It is undeniable that the teaching of mathematics, characterized by mechanical, memoristic, decontextualized and abstract repetition, demands urgent changes; that is why, a research process was started, for the purpose of positioning a different way of teaching mathematics with a creative, playful, realistic and interdisciplinary proposal. The research led to implement an action plan that had to be built from practice to raise awareness, and under the Mixed Learning Community (CAM) modality, to a group of teachers, representatives of families and students about the importance of incorporating new ways of teaching mathematics. It contributes to encourage the development of logical-critical, creative, proactive thinking in the different educational actors. This CAM experience was carried out in Unidades Educativas Oswaldo Álvarez Barba, La Dolorosa and José de Anchieta by raising awareness, shaping and implementing learning communities in the area of mathematics.


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How to Cite

Vera, A., & Baque, M. (2019). Mathematized reality, inexhaustible source of mathematical doing. Saberes Andantes, 2(6), 55–75.



Trials and research