Delicate girls and strong boys

Gender relations in seven educational centers of Fe y Alegría Ecuador


  • Amélie Teisserenc-Huamán



gender, school, education, patriarchalism, stereotypes, equality


This study of gender relations in seven schools teaches that the process of gen­der socialization starts from the early childhood and reveals the pregnancy of gender stereotypes and the domination of male over female in the minds of children, despite of the existence of a discourse on gender equality. This domi­nation is also visible in the occupation of space, where boys usually enjoy the centrally-located football courts and girls are left to occupy the peripheral areas. Therefore, the study rightly emphasises the social reproduction of patriarchalism from childhood, as the absolute necessity of gender education in schools.


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Author Biography

Amélie Teisserenc-Huamán

Máster en historia Contemporánea y en Ciencias Sociales aplicadas en América Latina. Educadora y formadora en temáticas como en derechos humanos, género, comunicación social, educación popular, interculturalidad, gestión de proyectos y de equipos.


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How to Cite

Teisserenc Huamán, A. (2017). Delicate girls and strong boys: Gender relations in seven educational centers of Fe y Alegría Ecuador. Saberes Andantes, 1(1), 47–67.



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