
  • Educación en contextos de violencia
    Vol. 4 No. 10 (2023)

    Revista anual de Educación.
    Dirigida a educadores, profesionales y académicos con el objeto de promover y difundir aportes para el debate y generación de propuestas en el campo de la educación que coadyuven a su transformación. Las colaboraciones que recibe son nacionales e internacionales para ampliar el campo de intercambio.
    La revista comenzó siendo de formato impreso y periodicidad semestral, a partir del número 6 se ha publicado de forma impresa y electrónica con periodicidad anual.

  • Voces del contexto que desafían la educación
    Vol. 3 No. 9 (2022)

    Dirigida a educadores, profesionales y académicos con el objeto de promover y difundir aportes para el debate y generación de propuestas en el campo de la educación que coadyuven a su transformación. Las colaboraciones que recibe son nacionales e internacionales para ampliar el campo de intercambio.
    La revista comenzó siendo de formato impreso y periodicidad semestral, a partir del número 6 se ha publicado de forma impresa y electrónica con periodicidad anual.

  • Paulo Freire, educar para la libertad y esperanza
    Vol. 4 No. Especial (2022)

    Este número especial recoge las ponencias presentadas en el Primer Congreso Internacional Paulo Freire de Fe y Alegría Ecuador organizado desde la iniciativa de la unidad educativa Fe y Alegría de la zona Santo Domingo

  • Education, rights and pandemic
    Vol. 3 No. 8 (2021)

    In some way, the different thoughts addressed in these pages insist on restructuring human relations and relations with nature, from the field of education and, in particular, from the defense of the right to life and to an education that includes and respects multidiversity; for this, a re-reading from the perspective of human dignity is the key.

  • Leadership and educational management in times of crisis
    Vol. 3 No. 7 (2020)

    With this issue we open the doors to analyze, propose and debate the role of management teams, directors of educational centers and educational management bodies, as actors promoting change, especially in this time of crisis.
    We are not invincible, we need each other and each other. It is not possible for people to be the destruction of human nature itself. It is no longer possible for some to become educators and others to be forced to receive it. This land no longer resists empires of any level.

  • Research in action
    Vol. 2 No. 6 (2019)

    Great transformations in history have been made possible by fans who have asked themselves questions and have wanted to answer them in order to solve problems that afflicted them. This has been evident since the origin of humanity, from the creation of fire or the wheel to the invention of the cell phone or the cure of diseases such as tuberculosis. A lot of time has elapsed between some events and with it, the historical conditions of life have radically changed, but in that passing of time and conditions, the attitude of questioning integrated into the human spirit has remained, the desire to understand and resolve situations to to get better.

  • Transformación Curricular
    Vol. 2 No. 5 (2018)

    El Centro de Formación e Investigación de Fe y Alegría continúa brindando espacios para compartir saberes, que de alguna manera, nacen de las propias experiencias de los autores, de sus prácticas educativas. Releyéndolos, me dejan camino abierto para seguir pensando que, en este nuevo orden del mundo, la enseñanza deberá siempre pensarse como un proceso de construcción social; ello implica que mirar la realidad en la que nos toca educar es un imperativo, porque solo desde allí podremos agudizar el mejor método de enseñanza aprendizaje.
    Para entender mejor este imperativo de mirar la realidad, tenemos que hacer consciencia de cuál es el sitio desde donde la miramos; Boff diría “en dónde están tus pies”, otros dirán que depende de los lentes o gafas que te pongas; si miras la realidad desde la productividad del mundo de consumo y de la competitividad del mercado, ya te diré que educación persigues: “escuelas con estándares de éxito en sociedades fracasadas”. ¿Es eso lo que queremos?

  • Popular Education: hope for transformation
    Vol. 2 No. 4 (2018)

    Faced with questions such as: Where are your brothers, your sisters? Where do they sleep? In what sea are they drowning? What piece of bread do they have to put in their mouths? Where are the rights of girls, boys? and young people?… Education will have to ask itself if its task responds to the challenges that these questions pose; and Popular Education will have to insist on words and actions that become flesh in the anguish of the desperate and nurture the hope of an education in justice, in freedom and in the right to coexistence in solidarity, fair and equitable. Today more than ever in Education there is life or death. We have to become aware of this, the teachers, together with the educational institutions. We have to go from a school for consumption, to a school for life.

  • Inclusive education
    Vol. 1 No. 3 (2017)

    Reading the different inclusion articles that are presented to us in this magazine and seeing that they all spring from the experience, many of them from situations of pain and hopelessness, that all enjoy good analysis and are generated in large institutions that favor the inclusion of diversity , I wonder: what would I keep of these great stories?

  • Youth and Education
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017)

    When we talk about education and youth, one of the problems that can be seen is that of learning environments, and another is communicational. Regarding learning environments, it is essential to understand that in learning to learn, in teaching to look at the world, building the space and the spirit from where knowledge is approached plays an important role. Here, it is essential to have participation as a horizon of meaning as an axis of democratic interaction that helps young people, in their own praxis, to discover in themselves values, qualities and skills, that by putting them at the service of the other, of the community, they take on much more value because they carry a meaning that transcends your own life.

  • Gender and Education
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017)

    One of the questions we ask ourselves when creating spaces to write our experiences and reflections is: what moves us to share knowledge? Or rather, why write it?
    From the Fe y Alegría gatherings, we are always concerned about having more inclusive educational communities and this is what those of us who have the desire to share knowledge, "truths" and realities that carry the utopian reason to work for more humane and inclusive societies are called That is why we write and dare to search for the truth, as the poet Antonio Machado told us, “Your truth? No, the Truth, / and come with me to find it. / Yours, keep it. " (Proverbs and Songs LXXXV)