My hands teach, your eyes learn!

Photography and video production for the educational inclusion of deaf people


  • Jaime Alfonso Sarmiento-Barreno Consultor BID, Ecuador
  • Leonardo Llumiquinga Fe y Alegría, Ecuador



education of deaf people, information and communication technologies, audiovisual production, training in photography, training in audiovisual production, linguistic rights and communication right


This article approaches a sistematization of educational and communica­tional practice: "My hands teach, your eyes learn! the audiovisual com­munications magazine developed by a group of deaf students of the "Unidad de Educación Especial Fe y Alegría" in Santo Domingo, (Spe­cialist Highschool) with the support of their teachers. This educational proposal started with a training program in photography and audiovisual production and ends as a result, with a visual educational magazine that demonstrates how listeners and deaf persons share and learn together, developing contents, beyond the language barriers. Additionally, the audiovisual magazine is integrated into the educational process of deaf young people and strength the skills far planning, teamwork, the use of ICTs and the promotion of the linguistic and educational rights of deaf people. Besides, it opens up deaf people world even further, reinforces their identity and prometes the use of sign language in education and in the production of educational material.


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How to Cite

Sarmiento, J., & Llumiquinga, L. (2017). My hands teach, your eyes learn! Photography and video production for the educational inclusion of deaf people. Saberes Andantes, 1(3), 90–113.



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