Educate from the heart for the transformation of the world

Emotional Intelligence and Popular Education


  • Gabriela Serrano Fe y Alegría, Ecuador



popular education, emotional intelligence, integral human formation, educational and social transformation


Popular Education is essentially transformative, and so far, as concern such transformation, this ranges from the human levei to the social one. Thereof, its innovative practices must always work towards warmth and quality that seek and deserve a better present and a fair future. Popular Education builds a pedagogy where not only intellectual abilities are important, but also the full development of the personality of an integral and transformational human being. ln this regard, emotional intelligence and popular education are perfectly interconnected as keys for educational and social transformation. The presence of the principies of popular education associated with the education of human beings and their emotions generates opportunities for integral development in educational centers. 


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Author Biography

Gabriela Serrano, Fe y Alegría, Ecuador

Máster en Orientación Psicológica Educativa por la Universidad Católica del Táchira (UCAT) Venezuela. Licenciada en Educación Integral (UCAT). Diplomada en Psicología Infantil, Especialista en Terapia Familiar e infantil. Estudios en innovación educativa y coaching Positivista. Experiencia en consultoría de la Asociación Venezolana de Educación Católica (AVEC), Maestra de aula, docente universitario y Asesora Psicológica. Ponente y conferencista en temas psicoeducativos. Actualmente Coordinadora Nacional de Educación General Básica Fe y Alegría Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Serrano, G. (2018). Educate from the heart for the transformation of the world: Emotional Intelligence and Popular Education. Saberes Andantes, 2(4), 97–114.