The Fe y Alegría way of proceeding


  • Antonio Narváez Fe y Alegría, Ecuador



way of proceeding, ignation spirituality, fe y alegría, organizational culture, identity of fe y alegría, society of jesus


In recent years, Fe y Alegria has made references to its way of proceeding, an expression that denotes the distinctive qualities of an institution and, consequently, contributes to the improvement of the organizational culture, favoring the bond of the collaborators with the purpose institutional, transcending the classic contractual relationships. In the Ignatian tradition, in which Fe y Alegría participates, the way of proceeding goes back to the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus. In this sense, a characterization of Fe y Alegria's way of proceeding requires, up to a point, to refer to that of the Society of Jesus. The essay will review, first, the way of proceeding of the Society of Jesus and in a second moment, that of Fe y Alegria, after a tour of the documents of the international congresses that the International Federation holds annually. At the end some conclusions will be presented.


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Author Biography

Antonio Narváez, Fe y Alegría, Ecuador

Máster en Diseño y Gestión de Proyectos Socioeducativos (Universidad Central del Ecuador), Diplomado Superior en Investigación Social (CLACSO). Coordinador de Planificación y Gestión Estratégica de Fe y Alegría Ecuador


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Mollá, D. (2015). Pedro Arrupe, carisma de Ignacio. Madrid: Mensajero-Sal Terrae.

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How to Cite

Narváez, A. (2020). The Fe y Alegría way of proceeding. Saberes Andantes, 3(7), 69–82.