Contributions to reflect on the articulation between the management model and the strategic planning of Fe y Alegría Ecuador


  • Jaime Alfonso Sarmiento-Barreno Consultor BID, Ecuador



management model, indicators, strategic planning, organizational management, development management


This article for discussion begins with a reflection about the management model of the Asociación Fe y Alegría Ecuador (hereinafter Fe y Alegría) and the reasons for collectively visualizing the need to identify those elements that allow to measure the results or evidence of the social transformation proposed by the institutional mission of Fe y Alegría. Fe y Alegría Model of Organizational Management by Processes bases, defines, characterizes, and represents the components of its organizational system and the interrelationship that should be generated among the components of the organization in order to facilitate the fulfillment of the mission of social transformation of this educational institution. The document contains the model of organizational management, the value chain, organizational structure, hierarchical levels, and descriptive organizational structure of the national office and the decentralized governing processes. The value chain of this organization differs from a business model, since its systemic functioning aims to achieve social effects of public value, while in a private organization the concept of value is associated with the benefit or profit that the private initiative seeks to generate. In this sense, the value chain for this nonprofit social organization can be articulated with the concept of development results framework. Based on the analysis of the elements of the organizational management model of Fe y Alegría Ecuador and the concepts of public value creation, development results framework and indicators for monitoring development initiatives, the following proposal seeks to contribute to the planning and knowledge management of this institution, with a series of recommendations and criteria to address the challenge of generating evidence of the progress, results and social impact pursued through education and social promotion.


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Author Biography

Jaime Alfonso Sarmiento-Barreno, Consultor BID, Ecuador

Magíster en Desarrollo Local con mención en Formulación y Evaluación de Proyectos de Desarrollo (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2015). Docente invitado de la Maestría en Gestión Cultural de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana. coordinador de proyectos de desarrollo con énfasis en educación, derechos humanos, inclusión, discapacidad y TIC. Gerente de Proyecto Tecnología para la Inclusión en Fe y Alegría Ecuador, actualmente se desempeña como Coordinador Regional del Programa P-TECH para la Federación Internacional de Fe y Alegría. Autor de guías, instructivos y artículos en el campo de los derechos humanos, gestión organizacional e inclusión educativa.


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Metcalfe, L., & Richards, S. (1993). Improving Public Management. Londres: SAGE, Second Edition.

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Naranjo, S., González, D., & Rodríguez, J. (2016). El reto de la gestión del conocimiento en las instituciones de educación superior colombianas. Revista de la Facultad de Humanidades Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 151-164.

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How to Cite

Sarmiento, J. (2020). Contributions to reflect on the articulation between the management model and the strategic planning of Fe y Alegría Ecuador. Saberes Andantes, 3(7), 32–47.

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