Empirical evidence on gender-based violence in rural schools: Participatory Action Research (PAR) in local communities of Haiti, Honduras, and Nicaragua

Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP) en comunidades locales de Haití, Honduras y Nicaragua


  • Jhonatan Márquez 0000-0002-1955-9950
  • Giovanna Modé-Magalhães 0000-0001-7404-1436
  • Ariadna Reyes-Ávila 0009-0008-6106-4514


gender violence, school violence, community agency, empirical data


This findings of the Participatory Action Research (PAR) carried out in the framework of the project “Strategies for the promotion of equality and prevention of gender violence in rural schools in Haiti,
Honduras and Nicaragua, led by the Latin American Campaign for the Human Right to Education CLADE, are described, based on five axes identified as areas of special concern by the research groups and rural educational communities of the countries sharing the experience: a) stereotypes and traditional gender roles, b) bullying, c) sexual violence, d) punishment and harmful practices, and e) pregnancy in girls and teenagers. The findings show the significant incidence of gender violence at school, normalized and reproduced in different expressions. The creation of local data and evidence emerges as a central need for better policies and practices that effectively contribute to the prevention of gender-based violence in schools.


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How to Cite

Márquez, J., Modé-Magalhães, G., & Reyes-Ávila, A. (2023). Empirical evidence on gender-based violence in rural schools: Participatory Action Research (PAR) in local communities of Haiti, Honduras, and Nicaragua: Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP) en comunidades locales de Haití, Honduras y Nicaragua. Saberes Andantes, 4(10), 66–87. Retrieved from https://saberesandantes.org/index.php/sa/article/view/212

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