Reread Freire in the Venezuelan and Latin American context
Freire, education, pedagogy, indignation, dialogue, transformation, hope, loveAbstract
In the light of the difficult Latin American context in which we live in, and, in particular, the Venezuelan one, Paulo Freire can illuminate our searches of a genuinely liberating popular education, with a view to educating complete, caring and responsible citizens, committed to the transformation of our oppressive and unjust structures, and allow us to avoid the temptation to populism and messianism. This document involves far more than a learned paper on Freire. lt tries to assume his passion and commitment in engendering a genuinely liberating education. Education that train thinking, critica! subjects who are able of reinventing the world in an ethical and aesthetic dimension. Rereading Freire in the current Venezuelan context leads me to throw up vehemently - and for that I borrow the titles of sorne of his books - the need for a Pedagogía de la Indignación y la Esperanza, Pedagogía del Diálogo y la Negociación, Pedagogía de la Autonomía y la Libertad, y Pedagogía del Amor.
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