General look at the Ecuadorian curriculum and its application


  • Liliana Emperatriz Ordoñez-Tacuri Fe y Alegría, Ecuador



study progra, quality, questioning, structure and application


lt is important to remember and reflect the aspects that contains the national currículum to the benefit of a better quality of education. At present there are sorne elements that with your application we could achieve meaningful learning, however, there are educational centers that maintain a traditional education and do not generate educational innovations, and all of this has seen several challenges to the national currículum and its implementation. In addition, probably there must be many reasons far that today there are many social, political and economic problems, however, education that is a basis far a society with greater solidarity and fair is not being that element of transformation. Therefore, the generation of alternatives of solution and decision-making is urgent, and a start must be made through reflection spaces, with the purpose of giving solutions to the lack of educational practices far transformation that will respond to the current problems in the educational centers.


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Author Biography

Liliana Emperatriz Ordoñez-Tacuri, Fe y Alegría, Ecuador

Máster Universitario en Liderazgo y Dirección de Centros Educativos por la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR) España. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación mención Psicología Educativa (UCE). Estudios en Innovación en el Aula, Prevención de Abuso Sexual de niños, niñas y adolescentes, Gestión de talento humano, otros. Experiencia en Asesoría Académica, talleres en Técnicas de estudio, Autoestima, Comunicación, otros. Instructora de Laboratorio de la carrera de Psicología Educativa en Universidad Central del Ecuador. Docente y psicóloga de centros educativos. Actualmente Coordinadora Nacional de Educación General Básica Fe y Alegría Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Ordoñez, L. (2018). General look at the Ecuadorian curriculum and its application. Saberes Andantes, 2(5), 37–52.



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