Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Gender and Education

					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Gender and Education

One of the questions we ask ourselves when creating spaces to write our experiences and reflections is: what moves us to share knowledge? Or rather, why write it?
From the Fe y Alegría gatherings, we are always concerned about having more inclusive educational communities and this is what those of us who have the desire to share knowledge, "truths" and realities that carry the utopian reason to work for more humane and inclusive societies are called That is why we write and dare to search for the truth, as the poet Antonio Machado told us, “Your truth? No, the Truth, / and come with me to find it. / Yours, keep it. " (Proverbs and Songs LXXXV)

Published: 2017-01-10